
I’m professor of Economics at Bocconi University.

Prior to joining Bocconi in 2002, I have been assistant professor of Economics at Pompeu Fabra University and at the University of Trieste. I graduated in Economics (Economics and Social Sciences) at Università Bocconi and received my Master degree in Economics (1994) and my PhD in Economics (1998) from Pompeu Fabra University. I visited UC Berkeley and CReAM (UCL, London).

I’m affiliate at Dondena, the Centre for Research on Social Dynamics at Bocconi University, Cream, the Centre for Research and Analysis on Migration located in the Department of Economics at University College London, and Fondazione Roberto Franceschi.

My research interests include: labor economics, public economics, and the economics of migration. In particular, I’m currently working on issues related to the assimilation of immigrants in the host country, including: welfare assimilation; assimilation in the labor market; effect of amnesty programs; barriers to access; spatial segregation. I have also been recently involved in two projects on the history of IRI (the Italian “Institute for Industrial Reconstruction”) and of the Italian economy.

On this page you can find a selection of my publications and work in progress.

Here students can also find class notes and other teaching material for my courses.

Modificato il 25/03/2014